Bringing Puppy Home
We know how hard it can be to wait to pickup your sweet new baby! We will be sure post LOTS of pictures and videos on our website and our facebook page. We frequently text and message the families who've adopted from us directly at bedtime, tubtime or when their puppy is being especially adorable. We'll also give your puppy lots of love and kisses while they grow.
There's never a lonely minute in our puppy nursery!
In the meantime, we recommend creating a countdown calendar to help with the anticipation.
Here are a few ideas:
Create a Tear-Off Chain. One ring for each day until Puppy Pickup Day!
What about a ribbon with a rectangle to be pulled off for each day.?
Or you can simply print our calendar, fill in the dates and you're ready to countdown!
(Click here for a printable pdf)
This is a great time to get your house ready to bring your puppy home. It is so important that your home is a safe place for a curious puppy. As you “puppy proof” your home, consider these dangers:
- Establish an area that your puppy will be allowed to explore and be with the family. This could be a family room or dining room. Use baby gates to keep them from having access to forbidden areas such as front rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms etc. You can keep their kennel in a corner of this room so that they are still a part of the family life when they are inside their kennel. It is very important to establish boundaries and this young age. A young puppy should not have access to every room in your house. That privilege is earned by dogs that are fully potty trained and no longer teeting.
- Check the area for loose or small items that could become choking hazards, loose change, pens, pencils, paperclips, jewelry etc.
- Move electrical cords out of the way, tape them down, or cover them with heavy rugs.
- Purchase plastic outlet covers for open outlets.
- Make sure breakable items like curios, lamps, etc. are safely removed from puppy’s play area.
- Install childproof locks on low cabinet doors and remove all cleaning supplies or toxic chemicals to high shelves.
- Fence or cover swimming pools, hot tubs, and other open bodies of water.
- Remove potentially poisonous houseplants and outdoor landscaping. For a list of plants poisonous to dogs click here.
- Make sure trash can lids are locked and sealed.
- Teach your family that they will have to be VERY careful that they don't leave stuff in the puppy area like shoes, toys, headphones etc. (They might need some practice with this before puppy comes home).
Here is some of the stuff we love for our pups:
Click the pictures for links, but we're not making money on any of your clicks or purchases, so no pressure!
- A small kennel - 24” in length or intended for 10-20 lbs. Your puppy will soon outgrow this size, however we prefer the smaller size while potty training. We also like the top-loading style while your pup is still small enough to set inside. PetMate makes a taller one that we like. Click the pic for an Amazon link.
- A pad or blanket for the kennel. (We give our puppies the little blankie they've been sleeping with, but a more substantial pad will make it comfy and discourage potty accidents.
- A short leash. We do not recommend the retractable leashes - puppies should not be given the freedom to pull as far as they'd like. A 4 foot leash should be plenty to teach them to heel next to you as they walk.
- Puppy food - We’ve had several vets recommend the Kirkland Signature Puppy food at Costco and have been feeding it to our puppies. I give my families a good-sized bag of this when you pick up so that you can mix it slowly with your preferred food if you choose to transition your puppy to a different food.
- Food & Water bowls
- ID Tag – Our puppies have been micro-chipped already and you will get that information in your puppy packet, but they still need a little ID tag with your info hanging from their collar in case they get lost.
- We also have had great results with this puppy shampoo and conditioner. It gives them that addicting puppy scent!
- Training Treats - At their young age, it's very important they have a limited choice of foods. When we train, we usually use pieces of their kibble. We also like these Beef Lung Bites. They are single-ingredient freeze dried treats made in the U.S.A.
- Plastic Bags and a scoop for cleanup duty. We prefer a scoop like this for our yard.
- Small supply of durable chew toys. Your puppy will teeth heavily for the next few months and will need relief using their chewing toys. They also, just like kids, get bored of their toys. Have a good selection that you can rotate through.
- Medium sized dog bed or cushion for when they're hanging out with the family (not in their kennel). This is great when you're teaching a puppy the 'Place' command.
- Baby Gates to help you secure your puppy to a smaller area of your home. We also use a larger plastic octagon gate like this to help us when potty training.
- Bully Sticks – These help with teething and are much easier on a puppy’s tummy than rawhide and can lead to a lot less intestinal upset and blockages. They can be expensive, but they are worth it for the health of your pup. The best deal I've found is at Costco for 12" sticks. I cut mine in half. They are more consistently found at Amazon or in pet stores. We like these odor-free options or they can get a little stinky while your puppy chews.
You are adopting a beautiful puppy with a Hair Coat, rather than a Fur Coat. This is wonderful because they do not need to shed the fur. However, you will need to groom them consistently and occasionally brush them.
- We like these brushes and specialty combs.
As always, feel free to call or text us if you have questions or need support!